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My love of writing began with an early interest in reading and of words in general. I was amazed at how linking words together in different ways had unexpected and pleasing results. People enjoyed what I created! This sparked a life-long desire to write all types of things, from short stories, novels, flash fiction, poetry…I enjoy delving into genres and forms of writing that are different from what I’m used to in order to stretch myself. Every story or book represents new challenges. I view writing as an amazing and intimate communication tool, meaning that it becomes a means through which I seek to connect with people on a level deeper than intellect.


I'm a social worker by profession. Learning to see the world through other people’s eyes, as well as sharing in their pain, has influenced and enriched me as a person, as well as my writing. I'm also a wife, and mother to two children, a cat named JackJack and a dog named Sparky.


Accomplishments? Chapter One of the WIP The Dragon’s Egg was published in The Woven Tale Press e-magazine, for which I have recently been added as an Assistant Editor. My Face, a flash fiction piece on mental illness, is featured on Kori Miller’s writing blog, as is another flash fiction piece called A Gift for Mother, a collaborative work with photographer Fleur Alston called Easy Chair was published in the online publication, Stories with Pictures. Another popular flash fiction piece called Shadow in the Sun appears in Community Connections, a print publication.


Last but not least, book 1 of my fantasy trilogy, The Purple Morrow, is now available in paperback and e-book on Smashwords and Amazon! The sequel, Wolf's Bane is near completion, and Berserker, book 3 is in producion!

Dyane Forde
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